Sunday, March 31, 2013


I purposely waited until today to post this, the last of the required blogs on my goals. I can officially check one item off, which feels pretty dang good if I must be honest. And this week/next I'm definitely going to check off a couple more goals, just cause I'm a butt-kickin ninja like that.

Last week I produced a pretty lackluster post, and I do apologize for that. Posting once a week for three months was much more difficult that I had ever thought it would be, and I then to think things are impossible so..... yeah.

Instead of giving you another subpar post this week I'm staying up way past my bedtime to talk about one of my least favorite days of the year, April 1st. Also known commonly as April Fool's Day, April 1st sucks. At least it does to me. I know there's a rich and beautiful history behind it:'_Day

But I simply don't care. I hate it. I hate that I can't find a news source that isn't trying to be what the Onion is year round. I hate that I can't accept something from someone without questioning their motives. I hate that everyone tries to be funny but they end up being Carrot Top funny, not Steve Martin funny.

Also, how creepy does Carrot Top look?

Instead look at these tacos!
Maybe hate is the wrong term. I just strongly dislike the day really. Plenty of amazing things have happened on April 1st, such as:

Susan Boyle was born.
The Great Britain Royal Air Force was founded.
Riverboat gambling was made legal in Iowa.

I dunno. I might just be a stick in the mud. I typically do enjoy what Google does (This year it's treasure maps, Google Smell, and Gmail Blue). YouTube isn't too annoying either, in fact I did chuckle a tad when I saw the YouTube Collection today. But I think they're ok because their jokes are usually funny, poke fun at themselves, and I can ignore them for the most part if I really want.

As long as I'm talking about things I hate I'll talk about a couple more, cause that's what blogs and the Internet is really for right??

I hate surprise parties. I hate them so much. Please don't ever throw me a surprise party. Just punch me in the kidney a couple of times and give me cake. That works for me.

I hate when a restaurant puts onions on something I asked for sans onions. I hate that sometimes I forget to check and bite into it. And I hate when I do check, they put onions on, and they are the diced kind that you always end up leaving one on somewhere, probably hidden in the lettuce.

Oh, and I hate Bojangles, the chicken place. There are far too many chicken places in Starkville. I am still mad we didn't get a Dairy Queen instead. I don't even like Dairy Queen!!! BUT I HATE BOJANGLES!!!

I was gonna put a really funny picture here of something hating something else, and use that to represent my hate for Bojangles. But I'm kinda tired, and I need to get to sleep. I'm sure there are many typos in this post, and now I'm just rambling because that's what I tend to do when I'm sleepy and am typing. I'm gonna stop now. Well after this:

Thanks for reading. It really means a lot that people continue to read the inane things I write on this blog. The simple act of you taking a bit of time out of your life humbles me more that I can say here. Just know it's a lot. Especially you. Yeah, you. You know exactly who you are, I don't have to call you out by name. Thanks...

TTFN, Ta Ta For Now

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Things I'm terrible at...

Planning ahead, not eating bacon, and bringing exciting content to you in blog form. My life hasn't been too exciting this week, but it has been really busy, which means that while I am posting this sexy mini-post to tide you over I really don't have much to talk about. So please forgive me, new delicious content will be coming soon.

I heart you,

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Break and such

So I have experienced my last Spring Break ever, and I must say it was pretty great overall. I didn't really do too much exciting stuff, but it was really nice to just relax for a bit, recharge my batteries, and catch up on all my reading. I've read so much this break, and it has been glorious, especially since the weather has been really nice and I could just go hammock it up in random spots.

Luckily I was able to do a lot of writing this break. Sadly very little of it was for this blog, but I did get some major personal projects finished. I also taught myself how to make eggs in a couple of different ways to keep up with my list of goals for the year. I've kinda slacked off recently but in my defense, it's a marathon not a sprint.

One of the biggest things I did over the break was I started looking for jobs for when I graduate in December. I guess it is about time I started, since it would suck to be unemployed. Not as much as it would be to on fire, but still pretty bad.

They totally were the droids he was looking for...
It's really weird. Not that I'm looking for a job, but that I actually know what I want to do with my life. It just took me this side of forever to figure it out, but better late than never I suppose. Especially since my first choice of just retiring and playing shuffleboard is "unrealistic" according to society. I just really good at it. I should've honed my skills in my youth and tried to go pro. Alas, the path not taken. Though I guess becoming a fully functioning member of society might be cool too. Maybe I'll even get to a position where someone calls me "Mr. Rorie" and I get to respond "Call me Tim, Mr. Rorie is my father." 

Though I call him Father Supreme Numero Uno. Also, damn I've lost a lot of weight since then. Go me.

So yeah, not the most eventful of Spring Breaks, but pretty good overall. I also received this to hang on my bare wall, so be jealous:

Note the Tardis. 
That's it for now, I'll post again soon. Promise. Miss me.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Man I would've punched myself in the face....

I have a problem.... I made a deal of sorts with a one Ann Hamilton that if she finally update the blog she shares with her roommate I would post some of the poetry I recently found that I wrote in high school. Now I assumed that she wouldn't do it, cause it had been months and months since their last post. I was wrong. I was terribly wrong actually, but never let it be said that Tim "ThunderLips" Rorie is not a man of his word so here's a sampling of the terribly angsty, poorly written, and overall dreadful poetry I wrote once upon a time completely unedited. 

The first is oh so intelligently called:"Hurting from Pain". I can't remember why I wrote this one, but apparently it had to do with a girl.

"Hurting from Pain"

What's the difference? 
Does it matter anymore? 
My reality used to be a dream, 
But now it's a nightmare. 
Whether I sleep or stay awake 
The pain stays with me. 
It's torture of the worst kind, 
On the inside, 
In my heart. 
I want to cry, 
But I have no tears. 
I want to scream, 
But I have no breath. 
I want to die, 
But without you, I have no life

This next selection apparently goes follows the same theme of despair over a woman. For a guy who didn't really date in high school I sure had a lot of lady problems. Or maybe I just thought I did. 

"Not Again"

The pain 
The hurt 
The cold knife in my heart 
The shattering of my soul 
The ache deep down in me. 
It kills me! 
At least, it did. 
But not anymore. 
I'm not going to let it do this to me anymore 
I'm taking away its power. 
It will not control me 
She won't hurt me again.

Dang, this is getting rough. Is there anything happy I wrote? This is about as close as I can get:

"My Dream"

I have a dream. 
And in my dream, 
I'm happy. 
I do everything right, 
Say everything cool, 
Win the girl of my heart. 
Then I wake up, 
And I mess up, 
Sound like an idiot. 
Lose the love of my life. 
And yet..... 
I'd rather be awake, 
Living in my nightmare. 
Cause while I'm dreaming, 
I can't make it reality. 
Soon, I believe my nightmare shall end 
And I'll wake up 
In my dream.

And to finish it all off, here's a quick poem that I wrote and I'll never forget (Probably because it's  so simple):

"Hate and Love"

If I hate haters for hating, 
Then do I hate myself for hating haters? 
If so, then where does it end? 
Will it end? 
Can it end? 
A better idea is to love lovers for loving. 
Then I would love myself 
For loving lovers. 
I Love That.

And that's all the high school poetry you shall get from me. There are notebooks, sticky notes, random pages and more that I was able to find, but luckily for you and I they will never see the light of day again.

In all seriousness though, even though I'm making fun of myself and the stuff I wrote, I'm really glad I had that outlet to help me deal with things that I thought were huge at the time. It was a safe way to try and make sense of everything that was going on around me, a way to put it all down on paper and let it go. I remember really enjoying writing poetry, and as I've gotten older I moved into writing short stories, then slightly longer stories, a blog, random thoughts, and even a continuing story that may one day be a novel if I ever sit down and write on it for long enough. 

Hopefully I can look back years from now at the things I am writing now and have the same fondness. Or maybe I'll just make fun of me again. Either way it should be enjoyable. I may even write a poem about it.

Now I leave you with what I feel is an appropriate enough video. Thanks for reading, and feel free to mock me in the comments or in real life. Or buy me steak. Yeah... buy me steak.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Busy Week

Man, it has been a crazy week. I survived, which is obvious, but it was quite the struggle. Lots of good things happened, but the key word is lots. I've just felt very rushed lately, which I guess is a good thing. It means that I'm busy, but never bored. I haven't had much time for much of anything fun, heck I haven't even had time to read the new book I've gotten. I have a stack of about six books that I've only looked at longingly forever now. I'm just really thankful spring break up coming up soon.

Even tonight I'm working on a project that's due this upcoming week. I'm actually pretty glad that someone else kind of forced me to start working, otherwise I probably would have put this off to the last minute like I tend to do. This post is mostly an update about what is coming in the next few weeks:

I lost a bet, so I have to make a post that includes some of my angsty high school poetry. That'll be terrible.

I still have to finish my post about Veronica Mars. I've been waiting to write this one completely so my opinion isn't completely biased.

I went skating the other night and I'm not sure if I am going to write a post about how terrible I was at it or not. It's possible, but it really depends on the amount of time I have.

I also have to post about what I'm doing over spring break. It should be pretty epic.

Finally, there are some current issues that I'm writing about that I feel I need to write about. I may or may not post these. Probably may.

Oh, I must announce that I was able to convince my good friend Ann Hamilton to post again over at Shenanigans of E26. It has me licking someone's face. So go check it out. Stay tuned. It'll be amazing. Or ok. Maybe.

Later Days