Monday, August 5, 2013

It's a Geek Week Extravaganza!

I just punched myself over how lame that title was, but seriously, it's Geek Week on Youtube, and I am insanely excited!!! Even better, it coincides with Shark Week.... Yeah, that Shark Week. Seriously, go watch some sharks. They're the aquatic dinosaurs of our time.

That's one of the highest compliments I can give an animal.... or anyone else by the way. You're welcome sharks.
Ok, now back to my original post topic: Geek Week. If you don't know what this is, this video will probably help a bit:

So I figured in honor of Geek Week, I would make a post about my personal favorite YouTube channels, just in case you were ever interested in what I waste my time watching. Warning, some of these videos will have graphic language, if you don't like that sort of thing. I'm going to post links to each channel I mention, but I'm only going to post a random assortment of videos so this post doesn't go on forever.

First up, I watch a lot of gaming videos. I really enjoy watching people play games, do commentary, and generally be ridiculous. Though I'll watch some random people now and again, I mainly follow 3 channels for my gaming, with my personal favorite being a guy named Jerma who does a bunch of variety gaming. By far the best thing he does is "Scare Saturdays" where he plays scary games and yells a lot. And what's better than watching a grown man scream in fear of a video game?

Next up is pure entertainment. Now I know there are tons and tons of channels that make incredible original content, but I'm only going to mention a few gems here. Freddie W. (who made Video Game High School, now in its second season), Epic Meal Time, Cartoon Hangover, Cinema Sins, HISHE, and something that appeals to Dr. Who fans and puppet lovers, HelloDoctorPuppet:

Yeah, that's a puppet Dr. Who.

I'm constantly amazed about how much time and effort put into these labors of love. These people had an idea and completely ran away with it, and that's something that is way too rare. Or whatever. As long as they continue to make with the chuckles for me, that's what really matters.

Finally, and mainly cause I'm a bit tired, I'm going to wrap the rest of these channels in a category I'm going to call, and quite originally I might add, "Miscellaneous". A more accurate description might be "Informative/Educational" but who has time for that? Amazing channels include MyHarto (location of My Drunk Kitchen), Daily Grace, Mental Floss, Minute Physics, ASAP Science, Cars and Water, Numberphile, Smarter Every Day, Laci Green, VSauce 1,2, 3, and my absolute all time favorite channel, at least for now, PBS IdeaChannel:

That pretty much wraps it up. There are tons more channels out there, feel free to let me know if I missed any amazing channels, or if you just want to open my eyes to the awesome that is your favorite channel. I'd really appreciate that... Like that would be super cool awesome. Thanks. Oh yeah, go watch Geek Week please.

Links to My Favorite Channels:

Variety Gaming:



Freddie W.
Epic Meal Time:
Cartoon Hangover:
Hello Doctor Puppet:


Daily Grace:
Laci Green:
Mental Floss:
Minute Physics:
Smarter Every Day:
PBS Idea Channel:

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