Sunday, March 31, 2013


I purposely waited until today to post this, the last of the required blogs on my goals. I can officially check one item off, which feels pretty dang good if I must be honest. And this week/next I'm definitely going to check off a couple more goals, just cause I'm a butt-kickin ninja like that.

Last week I produced a pretty lackluster post, and I do apologize for that. Posting once a week for three months was much more difficult that I had ever thought it would be, and I then to think things are impossible so..... yeah.

Instead of giving you another subpar post this week I'm staying up way past my bedtime to talk about one of my least favorite days of the year, April 1st. Also known commonly as April Fool's Day, April 1st sucks. At least it does to me. I know there's a rich and beautiful history behind it:'_Day

But I simply don't care. I hate it. I hate that I can't find a news source that isn't trying to be what the Onion is year round. I hate that I can't accept something from someone without questioning their motives. I hate that everyone tries to be funny but they end up being Carrot Top funny, not Steve Martin funny.

Also, how creepy does Carrot Top look?

Instead look at these tacos!
Maybe hate is the wrong term. I just strongly dislike the day really. Plenty of amazing things have happened on April 1st, such as:

Susan Boyle was born.
The Great Britain Royal Air Force was founded.
Riverboat gambling was made legal in Iowa.

I dunno. I might just be a stick in the mud. I typically do enjoy what Google does (This year it's treasure maps, Google Smell, and Gmail Blue). YouTube isn't too annoying either, in fact I did chuckle a tad when I saw the YouTube Collection today. But I think they're ok because their jokes are usually funny, poke fun at themselves, and I can ignore them for the most part if I really want.

As long as I'm talking about things I hate I'll talk about a couple more, cause that's what blogs and the Internet is really for right??

I hate surprise parties. I hate them so much. Please don't ever throw me a surprise party. Just punch me in the kidney a couple of times and give me cake. That works for me.

I hate when a restaurant puts onions on something I asked for sans onions. I hate that sometimes I forget to check and bite into it. And I hate when I do check, they put onions on, and they are the diced kind that you always end up leaving one on somewhere, probably hidden in the lettuce.

Oh, and I hate Bojangles, the chicken place. There are far too many chicken places in Starkville. I am still mad we didn't get a Dairy Queen instead. I don't even like Dairy Queen!!! BUT I HATE BOJANGLES!!!

I was gonna put a really funny picture here of something hating something else, and use that to represent my hate for Bojangles. But I'm kinda tired, and I need to get to sleep. I'm sure there are many typos in this post, and now I'm just rambling because that's what I tend to do when I'm sleepy and am typing. I'm gonna stop now. Well after this:

Thanks for reading. It really means a lot that people continue to read the inane things I write on this blog. The simple act of you taking a bit of time out of your life humbles me more that I can say here. Just know it's a lot. Especially you. Yeah, you. You know exactly who you are, I don't have to call you out by name. Thanks...

TTFN, Ta Ta For Now

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